Audits & Assurance

We understand the true value that objective audit and assurance services can bring to an organisation. Together, audit and other assurance support play a fundamental role in the successful management of an organisation, particularly when auditors establish effective working relationships based on mutual trust and respect, with key players within a company. Our commitment to delivering high-quality assurance services is at the heart of what we do. We provide comprehensive audit and assurance services designed to deliver real value and underpin investor confidence.

Our Audit & Assurance Services include:

  1. Statutory Audits
  2. Audits under the Income Tax Act, 1961
  3. Internal Audits
    • Management Audits
    • Operational Audits
    • Compliance Assurance Audits
  4. Special Purpose Investigations
  5. Reviews
    • Annual Reviews of statements of US GAAP / IFRS adjustments
    • Management, Operational and Performance Reviews